Friday, 30 March 2007

What is going on in the world?

Listening to the radio this morning, there was much being made of the Britain-Iran situation. Now, in many ways, this is understandable, as it's a big issue at the moment - but what's struck my mind is that everyone seems to have missed how convenient this whole situation is.

Iran takes a few of our sailors hostage, just when the US are banging on about Iran being next on 'the list', and touting for international support. Surely, an escalation of diplomatic tension between the UK and Iran gives Tony 'Warhammer' Blair the perfect reason to back up George Bush and his band of Washington hicks when they start lobbing missiles in the general direction of the Middle East.

Now, excuse me for being cynical, but what evidence have we got to prove that the original incident did NOT take place in Iranian waters? Oh, that's right. Some GPS records. Now, remind me once again, who is it who owns and runs the Global Positioning Satellites? How hard can it really be to fake/adjust a few numbers? It's hardly the Roswell conspiracy, is it?

Helpfully enough, you don't have to convince the GPS computers to lie for their country, they just do whatever the hell they're told. Which is nice, if you want to cover up a deliberate (or even accidental) incursion into foreign territory, or if you want to make shipping believe it's off course. Jeez, they even did that in one of the Bond films, and if Pierce Brosnan can work out what's going on, I'm pretty sure that I can't be the only member of the British public to notice what might be going on here.

Now, I may come across as just another lunatic fringe conspiracist, but let me just tell you that:

1) I don't believe in the Grassy Knoll gunman.
2) I don't believe Aliens walk the earth amongst us, although Gordon Brown does do a reasonable impression.
3) I don't believe the moon landing was faked.
4) I don't believe Diana was assassinated.
5) I don't believe 9/11 was actually an American plot to support the 'war on terror'.
6) I don't believe that Microsoft are secretly building an intelligent OS to take over the world.
7) I don't believe in the Da Vinci Code.
8) I don't believe the Nazis landed on the moon in 1942 and built a secret base there.
9) I don't believe that Dinosaur-like reptiles rule the earth.
10) Elvis is dead. Get over it.

Thanks for reading!

Angry Dan

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